Friday, January 15, 2010

Russia was Moldova's largest export partner in January-November 2009, Romania second

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, 22.4 percent of Moldovan exports (worth about 260 million U.S. dollars) between January and November 2009 went to Russia. Compared to the same period last year, exports to this country have fallen 11.2 percent.

Romania follows with 19.1 percent of the exports (a whopping 30 percent less than the same period last year). Italy is third (10.6 percent).

Analysts have said that trade with Romania suffered after the April protests and repression campaign, when the Communist government accused Bucharest of attempting to stage a coup and imposed visas on Romanian citizens.

The new coalition is widely seen as more pro-Romanian than the former Communist administration and has stressed the need to develop closer economic and political ties with the neighboring country.

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