Wednesday, December 2, 2009

French Foreign Minister: There is a strong basis to reach a solution to the Transnistrian conflict

French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner recently addressed the 17th session of the OSCE Ministers of Foreign Affairs.

According to APA, along with asking for Armenia and Azerbaijan to reach an agreement to end the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Mr. Kouchner stressed that there was a strong basis to reach a solution to the conflicts of Nagorno Karabakh and Transnistria.

The Transnistrian conflict has been ongoing since a bloody civil war in 1992 ended with the creation of a separatist republic in Moldova's east.

The new ruling Alliance for European Integration has pledged to attempt to resolve the conflict, stressing the need to establish ties between citizens across the river Nistru, which acts as a natural border between the territory controlled by Chisinau and the breakaway republic.

Recently, talks about resuming negotiations seem to have been restarted.

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